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2023-05-05 04:54:01




On Sunday, my father took me to liangping to play. We went to the mountain stone horse amusement park to play for a long time, also enjoyed a big meal in a restaurant at noon. When you eat, the food all over the table I like: oil stuffy prawn, coke chicken wings, boiled cabbage, admire my mouth water.

I had also play of very happy, very happy, but my father has been unhappy. I asked: "dad, what's wrong with you?" Father seems not to hear my words, more than a few minutes and no reaction. I recited a few "daddy", father to return to god. I repeated the question again, dad hurriedly say: "nothing, nothing."

We can go shopping after the meal, in the supermarket, in the mall, I saw lots of beautiful commodities, day, touch this after a while, a short while touch that, if buy them all. But dad's look is still unhappy. I'm a little worried about father and asked, "dad, what's the matter with you?" Father softly replied: "nothing really." Although we don't have to ask, but in the heart of doubt solution doesn't open all the time.

Came home, I asked my mother: "father all day not happy, you know what's wrong?" Mum/I, for a while, she was sad of say: "your dad is going to work tomorrow."

Mom just say that finish, oh so I ran quickly to ask dad. I asked: "dad, you want to go to work again tomorrow my dad is very sad." "Well" gently only a voice. I can't control their emotions, ran to his room to cry.

Since my father left, I'm sorry every day...

I know, father is afraid after I have listened to the sad, just didn't tell me what he want to go out to work. And because he is worried that he is not at home I'll be sad, so he was unhappy. This is my father -- a caring daughter, but always worry buried in the heart, don't let his daughter worries about good father.












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