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2023-05-05 04:59:01




This evening, my father bought me a little squirrel, little squirrel black and brown big eyes, with one of a stripe, can be beautiful. Its belly is white, with a layer of fluff, feels very cotton, its ears are lovely, less than seeds. I've had such a happy, trying to catch it. I drove it into a corner first, and then the skill to catch it, but let her escape.

Suddenly the door opened, and dad walked into it: "don't hurt small animals! It just two months, hurry to feed him some bread, maybe, it hungry?" Oh, no, just two months! I said to the little squirrel take bread. It took advantage of the time I take bread, ran out. I called my mother to help me catch, mommy will close the door, began to catch the little squirrel.

The little squirrel can be naughty, a drill to bookcase below won't come out. Mom, there's no way to call dad, dad had a try, soso, the little squirrel or not. Finally I think a good way: first I put the bread on the cage, yourself on the side, the little squirrel in a cage to eat, me in the past the door of the cage.

Ha ha, this time also very proud!

Because it is very naughty, and I will give it a name is small coke, I back to home of xiaoke has set up a small coke, built in the next to the bookcase, there is a cage, and simple amusement park, also is to let it run the training of the cage, and for it to eat, bread, fruit, and hold water in the kettle, filled with water, so it can be much more happiness, is better than looking for eating outside.










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