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2023-05-05 05:10:03




Distinguished leadership:

You are good!

No danger, Ann, nondestructive, security is people in life and production process, secure life, the body from damage, property from losses. Safety production is the enterprise the management of the key, is the fundamental guarantee of enterprise development. Security is benefit, we shoulder the national property, the worker's safety, the teaching of the blood when the moment impressed in my heart. To improve the production safety work in the enterprise is to point to the worker's safety in mind.

I am the membrane four workshop yung-shun kuo, as an ordinary worker, I also to talk about my understanding and awareness of safety. Today, I bring you the topic is safe, in my heart. I think that everyone here today, for the word "security" has different comprehension, as a party member, a frontline staff, to every day can hear almost safety accident is constantly repeated. See the tragic scene, hear that tore heart crack lung of cry, we in addition to deep sympathy and pity, I think we should realize from the cries of those sad, we shoulder the responsibility. Behind every accident is a tragic lesson, a moment of carelessness, a small error may lead to accidents. In after the incident, we will make different assumptions, assuming that it is able to follow instructions, to abide by the rules and regulations, to be able to correct operation, also won't appear so many safety accidents.

In production, hard to avoid can appear this or that kind of problems, we should always be cautious, responsible for my own life, responsible for security. However, safety has become a indispensable topic in today's society, how to keep in mind the safety, how to don't have an accident and so on the series of problems, the time will be referred to in the class meeting, visible security is so important for us.

In school, security is nothing but don't do something against yourself, endangering their things; In enterprises, is not the same everywhere can see "security heavier than mount tai", "security responsibility as big as a day" and so on the logo, knowing that the machine will be hurt to you, but we still have to do, this is we do everything "operation" to command attitude, leadership emphasized again and again not to do, don't have the lucky psychology to try and do something you don't do, may you good luck, once, twice, or even ten times one hundred times, is not an accident, in the process you'll relax vigilance, eventually leading to hurt yourself. At the same time also can cause great psychological trauma.

But in our daily work. Safety is efficiency, safety is life, these well-known cautionary signs can hear all the time; Security responsibility is more important than mount tai, which is also known to employees of the absolute truth; Homework is suicide, illegal command is murder, it is also a management workers to know the truth. But, in a complete safety alerts, and how many people know the warning and regardless of the hard truth, to touch with life safety; Management of safety in production and how many workers know "homework is suicide, illegal command is murder" truth regardless, with the staff's life and property reach the safety of the country. I think: let employees can fully appreciate the "safe" the true meaning and importance of correct irregularities is the focus of safety management.

Life honest valuable, the security responsibility. Leading cadres, and worker masses on security issues should be attached to the same responsibility. Share shall have the obligation, let us in different positions play different roles, to the road of scientific practice of safety and reduce accidents and the relationship between raw life pulse, tightly hold in our hearts, will be safe always in our hearts. lotus hill courseware

Security, means that the normal operation of machinery and equipment for the worker, the happiness and well-being of families more means, there is no end in security work, is only the beginning. You listen to, the responsibility is more important than the inculcation of mount tai of shock ear! You see, from the workshop to the department, and all the people are their own positions in a serious and responsible attitude, work with solid - security is fire, lit the lamp of life! Security is lamp, lit up the road of life! Security is road, and guide the glory to the new life!

Friends, when we bathed in the sunshine in the new century, my achievements and inspiration for us, my company as we walked through the safety of the wind and rain and cheers! So, to create brilliant tomorrow enterprise, let us remember that, safety wake-up call, safe in my heart!















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