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2023-05-05 06:37:02




A person I admire most, he is my father. My father is not only to work during the day, but goes to school at night, when you at eight o 'clock at night every day, he left home to study, he is very cherish the now reading conditions, attitude is very good, I admire my father very much. My dad thinks his knowledge is not enough, and to lower than others, don't have the heart to be illiterate, so will go to the worker big night school. Dad is very careful in reading. On one occasion, I go to my father play in the school, I sat in the last row, watching dad read a book, dad's back, very intently listening to the teacher, but also very seriously to take notes, now dad learned all books lent me, I'll just turn over a page, full of words of the book all the blank sheet of paper to write full. Dad came in not only listen carefully in class, also is very serious, meticulous. A sunny Sunday, we are doing the homework, but I am could not help but cried for a while, complaining, when I went to dad's bedroom, I think dad will do something else, but I think is wrong, I was surprised to find my father at meticulously homework, I was shocked at the time, never so attentively before serious dad actually suddenly changeable, I felt very ashamed I admired my father, admire him the spirit of this seriously.


我最敬佩一个人,他就是我的爸爸。我的爸爸不仅白天上班,而且晚上还要去读书,每天深夜8点钟时,他就离开家门去读书,他对现在的读书条件十分珍惜,态度十分端正,我非常敬佩我的爸爸。我的爸爸认为自己知识不够,而且不忍低于别人,不忍心当文盲,所以就去职工大读夜校。爸爸读书时十分认真仔细。有一次,我去爸爸的学校里玩,我坐在最后一排,看着爸爸读书,爸爸挺着背,十分专心地听着老师讲课,而且还非常认真地做笔记,现在爸爸学过的`书本全部借给我看,我只要随便翻开一页,满书的字把白纸都给写满了。爸爸不仅上课认真地听讲,回到家里也是十分认真,一丝不苟。一个阳光明媚的星期天,我们都在做着作业,可是我做了一会儿就忍不住叫起来,抱怨起来,当我走到爸爸的卧室时,我以为爸爸会干别的事情,但是我想错了,我惊奇地发现爸爸在一丝不苟地做作业,当时我惊呆了,以前从来不会这么专心认真的爸爸居然一下子说变就变了,我感到十分惭愧 我敬佩我的爸爸,敬佩他这种认真的精神。


I admire most one someone once asked me: "who do you admire most?" In the long history, there are a lot of the person I admire: hit cylinder save partner of sima guang, administer justice into god's bao zheng, and the first American President, George... But to the person I admire most is Helen Keller. Helen Keller is a famous American woman writer. When she was small, is a deaf blind people with disabilities. But she is under the guidance of the teacher lisa article, or study hard, learned the language of many countries. Although she can't see, nor hear, but she is with the hand, feel the beauty of nature, her hands felt the warmth of the sun, the feel of the soft grass with the hand, feel the texture of big, mature trees, with the hand feel with the hand in the shape of a bird and cry... She also wrote "if give me three days light" this book, the book introduces her how to overcome difficulties, face life with smile. She also made many us these healthy people can't do something. This is the person I admire most -- Helen Keller, when we meet with difficulties, we should not be like Helen Keller, too?






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