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2023-05-05 06:55:04




Western Halloween is on October 31, the eve of the Halloween, in this day, people would dress up as ghosts, carry jack-o-lanterns, door to door for sugar. If you have a family is not willing to give candy, so, the next day, you will find that were painted with colorful paint on holding. In order to let the students gain a better understanding of western culture, experience the mystery of Halloween and eerie, on October 31, the school held a grand Halloween party.

At noon, stepping the music, a foreign teacher came to the classroom for students to make up, look, the teacher's more weird, he as a pirates of the Caribbean, and look at the classmates, wearing a wizard hat, dressed in a black cloak, painted on the face spiders, snakes, and many other things. Ghost festival atmosphere is really strong. As "Halloween started" rang out from the radio, the students quickly ran out of the classroom, seeking for the goal of sugar, while I go to the first floor, ready to sell sugar to make money. At this moment, in a team in the hallway aroused my curiosity, I want to find out, soon it was my turn, a look at carefully, ah! Is a haunted house, I muster up courage and went in, dark inside, also from time to time in ghosts come out, there are many eerie underground passage. Very terrible, but also from time to time people give out a cliff-hanger gunfire. I had no time to enjoy these things, quickly ran out of the haunted house, back to the classroom, the stable mood. What impressed me most is standing, walking is a ghost came out from behind the curtain, I turned pale with fear. In the Halloween party, is the most interesting thing to the haunted house adventure.

One day, we also held a charity sale, I started a little salesman, sales is good, a total of about eighty pieces. Love charity sale over, the students took the money and a bag of candy full back in the class, they laughing, said her experiences in Halloween ghost stories.

Happy days always short, Halloween is coming to an end. But the thought of me to play in the haunted house, also made a salesman, I am very excited. Really looking forward to the next western culture festival.









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