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2023-05-06 03:44:12




The lunar August 15 is the Mid-Autumn festival, has a long history, has become a fixed in the traditional festivals in China. Today, it is the annual Mid-Autumn festival.

This evening, enjoy a delicious after reunion dinner, I was sitting alone on the balcony, ready to catch a glimpse of the Mid-Autumn moon prides. At 7:30, the full moon rising, wow, the Mid-Autumn moon is very round! Round like a big moon cake; The Mid-Autumn moon is very bright! According to the bright; The Mid-Autumn moon is very big! Seems to be just around the corner. Facing the quiet night, listening to the cricket "solo", looking at the sky a bright moon, I could not help but think of su dongpo "to" : people have sensitized, month, waxing, rain or shine this ancient difficult. Life, I wish people for a long time. Hope everybody can reunion, happily celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival.

The Mid-Autumn festival, of course, want to eat moon cakes, when dad holding a box of moon cakes came up, there was only a sandwich layer big moon cake. Mother put the moon cake is divided into five, her a, I, father, grandma, grandpa, a symbol of family reunion, harmony > happiness, love each other. We eat moon cakes, while laughing under the month.

Look at the bright moon, my dad my leg, to listen to my grandfather about the myth of the Mid-Autumn festival > story, like "chang e", "wu gang felling guangxi", "moon dao medicine" to choose a suitable text book these stories, after long years, has been passed down from generation to generation, is the crystallization of ancient Chinese legend, is typical of the Chinese nation.

The night of the Mid-Autumn festival is beautiful, the night of the Mid-Autumn festival is warm, the night of the Mid-Autumn festival is happy.

The Mid-Autumn festival, often said to be a time of family reunion. Reunion representative and beauty, harmony, in the hope that the whole society to promote harmony, to build > harmonious society and create a better tomorrow.


农历八月十五是中秋节 ,有着悠久的历史,已成为我国固定盛行的传统节日。今天,又是一年一度的中秋佳节。

今天晚上,享受了一顿团圆盛宴之后,我便独自一人坐在阳台上,准备一睹中秋明月的娇姿。七点半,圆月冉冉上升,哇,中秋的月亮好圆啊!圆得像一个大月饼;中秋的月亮好亮啊!照得大地亮堂堂;中秋的月亮好大啊!似乎近在眼前。面对静谧的夜,听着蟋蟀的“独唱”,望着空中一轮皓月,我不禁想起了苏东坡的《水调歌头》:人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。希望天下人都能团团圆圆,开开心心地过中秋节 。








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