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2023-05-06 03:55:04




This evening, my father bought me a little squirrel, little squirrel black and brown big eyes, with one of a stripe, can be beautiful. Its belly is white, with a layer of fluff, feels very cotton, its ears are lovely, less than seeds. I've had such a happy, trying to catch it. I drove it into a corner first, and then the skill to catch it, but let her escape. Suddenly the door opened, and dad walked into it: "don't hurt small animals! It just two months, hurry to feed him some bread, maybe, it hungry?" Oh, no, just two months! I said to the little squirrel take bread. It took advantage of the time I take bread, ran out. I called my mother to help me catch, mommy will close the door, began to catch the little squirrel. The little squirrel can be naughty, a drill to bookcase below won't come out. Mom, there's no way to call dad, dad had a try, soso, the little squirrel or not. Finally I think a good way: first I put the bread on the cage, yourself on the side, the little squirrel in a cage to eat, me in the past the door of the cage. Ha ha, this time also very proud! Because it is very naughty, and I will give it a name is small coke, I back to home of xiaoke has set up a small coke, built in the next to the bookcase, there is a cage, and simple amusement park, also is to let it run the training of the cage, and for it to eat, bread, fruit, and hold water in the kettle, filled with water, so it can be much more happiness, is better than looking for eating outside.


今天晚上,爸爸给我买了一只小松鼠,小松鼠长着黑棕色的的大眼睛,背上有一条一条的条纹,可漂亮啦。它的肚子是白色的,有一层绒毛,摸起来很棉,它的耳朵更是可爱,还不到瓜子那么大。我高兴得不得了,试图想抓住它。我先把它逼到一个死角,然后一下身手抓它,却让她逃走了。突然,门开了,爸爸走进来说:“不要伤害小动物!它才两个月呢,赶快给他喂一点面包吧,说不定,它饿坏了呢。”哦,天哪,才两个月!我边说边给小松鼠拿面包。它趁着我拿面包的时间,跑了出去。我叫妈妈来帮我我捉住,妈妈先把门关上,开始捉小松鼠。小松鼠可淘气了,一钻到书柜下面不肯出来。妈妈没有办法,去叫爸爸,爸爸费了九牛二虎之力,翻箱倒柜,小松鼠还是不出来。最后我想了一个不错的办法:我首先把面包放在笼子里,自己在一旁,小松鼠在笼子里吃东西时,我一下过去把笼子的门关上了。 哈哈,这一次还很自豪嘛! 因为它很淘气,我就给它起了一个名字叫小可,我还给小可建立了一个小可之家,建在书柜的旁边,里面有笼子,还有简简单单的游乐园,也就是让它跑步的训练笼子,还有给它准备的吃的,面包,水果,还有装水的水壶,里面装满水,这下它可幸福多了,总比在外面找吃的好一点吧。




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