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2023-05-06 05:57:01




Today,the teacher led us to the "happy" river catch clams.Each of us with their own tools,shovel,pomegranates,bucket.We're going to the river,I am very curious,took off his shoes,just go to the river sediment,came a "his face," the classmates laughed,I immediately stood up and continue to touch a clam la,I'm very happy,I found that the students have caught several only,I was determined,be sure to catch a few only,then,I caught a dozen again,I'm very happy,but I was absorbed in catch,as if there's something in between my toes,I feel,and has achieved nothing,and I continue to make,something through between my fingers,my finger a clip,turned out to be a fish,I am a happy,fish to escape,I am very regret,and continue to step on a clam,I felt at the foot of some hard,I feel,it is a piece of sheep bones,I found Huang Yuchen fishing for fish,I envy very much.

The teacher said with a loud voice: "today is here,everyone!" I am reluctant to go away.

Today is really happy,really comfortable in the water,what do you say?






As September is coming soon,it means my summer vacation is over.

Looking back at my long vacation,I have the good memories.I had gone back to my hometown and spent some time with my grandparents.I loved the lifestyle there,it was so quiet and the air was so fresh.I was so close to the nature.During the part time,I read some novel books,I loved the magical world and I could finish them quickly.I was so satisfied with the books I read,I broadened my vision and learned a lot,it could help with my writing.

I had the great time during my summer vacation.


I enjoy summer vacation very much.

Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year.We have more than fifty days to rest.Though it is very hot,we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room .In the evening,I like to go shopping with my friends.

We can eat many things in summer,such as ice creams,watermelons,grapes,so on.In summer,I always go on a trip with my parents.It's a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.




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