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2023-05-06 06:38:08




Close walden green cover, a cool water into heart already, transparent clear bottomed out, the mood cleansed as limpid eyes, don't dye beautiful scenery. As Mr Xu Chi in "preface", says: "walden is a book of loneliness, is a lonely book. He is just a book a person." When your heart calm down, and then go to read the thoughts of god!

This book in the middle of the 19th century, it was the rapid development of capitalism period, at the time of the background, the people to pursue interests, try every way to keep himself, the right to receive more and more money. Industrial civilization, the hustle and bustle society squeezing human, eroding the human nature. In this context, the wisdom of the graduated from harvard, he only single shadow, took an axe, ran into the uninhabited walden lake trees. His independent, with a heart of yearning nature, quiet on the Duan Xinling roadbed. In this is called "a drop of god" the land of walden pond, he frankly in space, lonely in thoughts!

"I love my life is there room to spare. Sometimes, one morning in the summer, I as usual after bath, sit at the gate of the sun glowed. From the red sun dongsheng until the noon sun pledge, sitting on a piece of pine forests, trees and sumac trees, sitting on the isolation of solitude and quiet, contemplative."

He quietly unload city blatant, write down alone with your heart. Every time reading his book is a kind of shock, his thinking about life, let my heart like water purification splendidly. He let me feel fear, that a person's life here is like, his life is so simple and fragrant, though short and far-reaching significance. His spirit world colorful, and it is fantastic, such a wise man in the world even in a little.

Thoreau's short life, he is trying to encourage people to simplify life, the time free to life, further life taste. Through his own life experience, tell the world not to be fooled by numerous complex life of dispute, thus lost the direction and meaning of life. Do the helmsman of life, the sails. "He thought, if people can lead simple life of the rules of the universe, there won't be so anxious to disturb the peace of mind. The so-called tomorrow, even time end will never come. We turn a blind eye to light, is darkness to us. When we are awake, dawn to dawn. There, the sun is a star.

He advocate a simple life, and not let us be simple fare or having, but want to let's listen to a new rhythm, perhaps this is the value of a person, is lonely, quiet, without any affectation.

Author in walden lake pursuit of loneliness, actually is also in the pursuit of profound, he wants to in the lonely state of mind to think about life and explore. Loneliness has given rise to his deep thoughts. "Don't give me love, don't have to give me money, don't give me fame, give me truth." This is his heart.

To read the mind of the textbook! It will make you regret it.

Although we can't like Thoreau to savor solitude of mountains, life although walden has disappeared forever, but these can't prevent us from within their own walden pond, in the mind has a limpid time can let the heart get for polyester, according to what Thoreau said, go to your heart!










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