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2023-05-06 07:16:04




During the vacation I had the opportunity to read the book "childhood". "Childhood" is gorky's first autobiographical trilogy, mainly tells the story of golgi childhood aged three to ten section of this paragraph of time life.

In this paper, the protagonist allyson three years after his father was from his grandfather. His grandfather and two uncles are irascible, grumpy, greedy, selfish people. His house filled with the fog of blazing hatred between people, adults are poisoned, even a child also took part in a warm. Two uncles are competing for property, play the wall every day. Their wife and the apprentice was also killed. Allyson lived a fearful day every day, with his mother and grandmother loves him. This book award is allyson in this environment of things in life. Allyson worthy of our learning place, although he spent his childhood in the darkness of the life, but he hasn't been dark dirt and corrosion of the human soul down to the forces of evil, but his exercise growth for a strong, brave, honest and confident person I think this is inseparable with his indomitable perseverance, don't his this kind of quality is worth our learning?

In the usual life, we encounter some difficulties was afraid and retreat. Take, for example to solve the problem. Every time I encounter problems, is only the general say not see at a glance, without carefully to understand it. In the end, not copying other people's, is thrown. Then, why don't we think of golgi childhood? He is how to overcome difficulties. Why don't we learn like him?

"Childhood" the book is mainly to expose and criticize the Russia at that time the ordinary citizen's way of life and the spirit of the dozens of ji formation characteristics, flogged, dirty soul. I think we should temple is the base, and respect the honest good man, in the end I want to say is: "the darkness will eventually in the past, we strive toward the light!"









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