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2023-05-07 02:13:01




Rich and colorful summer vacation coming, two months of summer vacation time, every day is precious, take the time to participate in some meaningful activities, this to our next semester learning can play a role. Summer vacation life should let it have a rich and colorful, not limited to the textbook knowledge learning.

Let's versatility is a wish of many teachers and parents. Now family condition is getting better and better, more and more focus on training quality. Popular vacation above various purpose of training courses for the cultivation of the way. I think that, give our students a free development space, can let us healthy growth for the best during the holidays.

"Read thousands of books, view", let us know the motherland good things, then let's go out for a walk! Mountains and rivers, the surrounding is very angry. If conditions permit, we can go out to travel, more nature, more let us understand the beauty of the motherland, and to cultivate the feeling of love for the motherland's a good chance.

How to participate in social practice activities, for whole day sitting in the classroom we students have an irreplaceable role. Primary and middle school students can take an active part in activities organized by the school, such as the city children to the countryside to exercise, take some compulsory labor, not only exercise the beginning ability, and enrich the spare life, why not? Rural students to visit the museum in the city, botanical garden, etc., for our student to carry on the patriotic education. Also should let our students to attend more suited to develop our students' interest in special activities. In order to our students' healthy growth, I hope our students can have a happy harvest holiday!









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