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2023-05-07 06:08:03




One of my roommate often talk when he sleeps. He talked about all kinds of things.For example ,last night, I had a hard jod to fall asleep .I read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.When I was concentrated to the story ,I heard he said:"how much do you want?" It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody , I was very strange ,so I asked:" Are you awake?what are you talking about?" there was not reply . At that time , he begain to talk agin:"OK, OK."It was the first time I heart him talk, so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.



Recently,I witness such a scene and was deeply moved by the girl who gave her hand.It was in the morning, when my teacher was calling the students` names,she came in,with sweat on her face.My teacher kept silent,waiting for her explaination,but the girl only below her head.and beyond words,she was punished.After 2 day,when I saw her ,with an old lady,selling bread on my way to school in the morning, I realized that she was so kind herated that in order to help the old blind lady finish her work earlier,she sacrificed her time and made great contribution to the poor lady.At that moment,I saw her gloring in the sunshine.




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