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2023-05-08 02:28:07




The years in a hurry after year, another New Year's day is coming

With a sweet smile, with the gentle footsteps, on time speeding train, walked into a New Year again. In glass were the best of time and space, revel in the sweet beautiful warm winter sky, to feel the breath of youth in the New Year. Let we will sing and we deeply wish. In this warm, quiet and peaceful atmosphere, we with the mood of excitement, joy, happiness, to update the gesture, with our love, our in the afternoon, our attachment to embrace the New Year. With easy steps, standing on goldwind beautiful and harmonious rhythm, researched, steps, with a penetrating time charm, sunshine, together to listen to the familiar songs in the New Year. Let us use it is difficult to calm delight, in the New Year the waves dreamily song on the ripples.

It is the desire of the savings already a long time, this is a long-expected feelings in my heart.

In the desire and look forward to, in the New Year, she wore a beautiful clouds, wind and rain through the time and meet us back into. New Year is like a dream of the bride, her smile, quietly coming to us: golden light, red face, cloud and mist is her elegant wedding dress, sunrise is her colorful neon signs, she always bring us warm rich.

, we come into a New Year again.

Looking back once trials and hardships of the journey, we complaint or regret; Aftertaste once struggle of countless day and night together, we will continue to work harder. Because, we have made so far is still deep-rooted in the song, we still have the pursuit of life in the future, we still have the courage to challenge the fate. On New Year's arms, standing in front of the threshold of the New Year, let the hearts of ideals, galloping happily in a new world of freedom.

Into the New Year, embrace the New Year.

Front is a new starting line again, it is also a more vast world, trigger impulse and passion we endeavour. The rush of time, the limited life of youth in the ancient of days long time, let us grow shade of intoxicating thick behind.













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