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2023-05-08 02:28:12




Yesterday, finally wait for holidays this day. I comfortably sleep a lie-in, wear good clothes, wash face, brush teeth, went to my aunt's home to eat breakfast, I and my brother playing computer games while eating, this if it weren't for the Chinese New Year, mother so don't let me play, my mother said it was the holidays charter. Double game we play for half an hour later and brother at home to play hide and seek for a while, we went to the floor devolved firecrackers, father and uncle bought us a lot of kinds of firecrackers, there is no danger of that kind of, firecrackers scratching sound, like it and we also happy! Let play firecrackers, mom and dad, uncle, aunt had cleaned up the house, stick up couplets, ready for everything, my brother and I say goodbye temporarily, because I have to go to grandma's New Year's day, my brother will go to my grandma's New Year's day.

Grandma did a lot of delicious, delicious, after dinner my father and I began to set off firecrackers and fireworks sound with two idiom to describe, it's a great, deafening. Our family also sat together to watch Spring Festival gala, I most like to see is the liu qian magic, his magic when I can't even blink eyes, still can't understand how he was, and it is fantastic. There are a lot of funny sketch I also like, we all laughed.

At eleven o 'clock, my parents and I went to the grandmother's house, the grandmother also prepared delicious, but none of us can't eat any more, I and my brother, and my grandfather, father, uncle prepared a lot of fireworks, twelve o 'clock, all the people came out to put firecrackers to greet the New Year came, the whole city was shrouded in firecrackers and smoke filled the sky thick strong, we are powder spray on the face, clothes, my father said to cut pollution, we will put some firecrackers, less, I think, if can invent a pollution-free firecrackers that it would be good, then people will not have to worry about set firecrackers will pollute the environment, can enjoy the play.

My mom and dad at home have a little more, I can't keep my sleepy eyes opened, and straight after the wash gargle fell asleep!

A busy day, tired one day, is also a nice day, because the Chinese New Year don't have to write my homework, I'm glad New Year!










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