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2023-05-08 04:06:03




Every animal in the world is a life, we need to take care of them. , today, I'm on my way home, met a few stray dog was expelled. To see the situation, my heart suddenly welled up a complaint, and compassion for homeless. I want to; Puppy dog, I very want to help you, but I am helpless, I can't leave your home, or you will scold by mom and dad. Now, you be careful. Suddenly I saw a stray dog looked up with poor looked at me, as if to say: "can you help me? I am so hungry, my body is itching, can you help me?" After I watched it look in the eyes, and there is a said not to come out feeling from my heart revealed. In imperceptible in, tears welled out from my eyes, and then want to broken line of beads fell into the ground. I reached out to touch the puppy. Touched it in a moment, I suddenly found that these stray dogs are so cute. After a while, a broom dozen come over, driving out the dog. I and the dog or separately. So I sadly went home.

No speed, people run but the dog; No wisdom, also than but dog; No feelings, than people or dogs. Still today, I saw something moving. The thing is: I walk on my way to school, I saw a lovely dog in a around the old man's leg. The old man walk on the road, next to follow the dog. Suddenly, a car on the rampage, coming to the old man. The dog found there has found. All with one voice shout: "carefully." Old man reflects, cars have sailed to eyes. "Dong", all closed his eyes, when you open your eyes and was astonished by the sight scene. The old man pushed away beside, safe and sound. Hit by a car is a lovely little dog. When the old man found, holding the dog and wept bitterly. You have said: "the dog had to master, willing to sacrifice, worthy of our learning." I saw this scene, rather the feeling of a room.

No speed, people run but the dog; No wisdom, also than but dog; No feelings, than people or dogs. Every animal in the world is have feelings and we want to take care of them. We can't let animals wandering. Everybody come on, do your best, to let the small animals have a happy and comfortable home.








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