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2023-05-09 02:06:06




My after school life rich and colorful! Sing a song, to play the piano, jump elastic band, read a book... However, my favorite is reading a book. Since the childhood, I heard the phrase: "has its own gold room in the book, the book has its own treasure to." I thought opened the book, there will be a golden fall, there will be a jade. So I tease mother bought me a book. Until when I opened the first book, find himself very silly, because there is no what I want. But I'm alone "chew up the book," for a long time, I found that I fell in love with the book, like to smell the light ink flavour. Also from the start, the book became an indispensable part of my after school life.

Bell, clicking the rang and with the wind gently touched, I nest in bed through the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's works: the old man and the sea. A simple story, an ordinary man, an ordinary big marlin, in the vast sea happened seemingly ordinary and extraordinary experience. In this tragic story, but reflects a "hero" - the old man Santiago. When the old man dragged their booty and to fight the sharks, my heart can not help but be impressed by. People must not to beat! The concise words, that I seem to hear the sound of the old man and the sea combat...

Leisurely taste out in the book, make me feel can't say. Each picked up a book, the taste is changed. Every book has its own language: the romance of The Three Kingdoms is filled with the scent of the battlefield, filled with pride, is the breath of the battlefield. "Stars" is the aura of the loving mother; Bing xin's grandmother, mother eager feelings, let I can't help but think of "the wanderer" : the loving mother hand line, wandering onto clothing...

The book, to bring me is full of vigor and vitality of sunny days, book to me is jubilant festival... Books enrich my after school life, enrich my every day!

"Its own gold room in the book, the book has its own treasure to." Reading enriched my after school life, cultivate my sentiment, not partition is my life on the road, more cannot lack of good friend!










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