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2023-05-09 05:11:02




In my childhood, the most interesting is two years old fell into the pond, although after nine years, but now people know me to the fun is still relish!

Two years old I have little memory, all detail from mom and dad and the witnesses:

That day, it is sunny, the sky without a white clouds, two years old I was wearing yellow small T shirt, green straps knickerbockers, and like a little frog, under the guidance of my father and mother and aunt to the water park to play, to go out they also specially brought me a box of biscuits, let me feed the fish, it is probably the most like to do when I!!!!

Water park on the small stone bridge barrier is very short, only about a foot high, it is easy to fall off, most of the child is let parents feed the fish pulled, but father and mother never pulled me, because I was never very rules. According to the mother said, I am so happy that day, the whole bag of cookies suddenly fell into the pond, large and small fish like arrows "shooting" come from all directions, as are in full bloom when the water brake a golden flower, beautiful! Cookies the twinkling of an eye is "looted" (probably cookies are "rare species").

In small fish, also has not a particularly big red carp leisurely manner from a distance swim up - this is a I had never seen a big carp. "Mom, look!" I jumped up excitedly, "flop", I fell into the water... .

Don't know how long did it take, maybe is very long, maybe very short, but later, I was get up, and dripping with water, and be mother holding the ran home.

Originally I fell down, after bloomers two legs drum up like a balloon, put my two feet float on the surface of the water (mother said, just like two little feet in the water's surface), dad did not even take off the shoes and jumped...

I didn't hear the mother exclaimed, didn't hear witnesses to scream, I don't even remember, head in the water at the time I have you open your eyes and see the small fish are scared and surprised escape...

About this, I really have no memory at all, but when people bring up this matter, I still feel very interesting, on account of people again and again to show hearty laughter.














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