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2023-05-10 02:43:04




I have a lot of advantages, also has many disadvantages. Grapes, round face, two black eyes. There is a bridge of the nose is not high, coupled with a beautiful pair of glasses, handsome. On the shelf, three grade under the nose has a small mouth. Today to have heart-to-heart talks with teachers students. My name is JiRui. Don't name is special. But with an old man decree by destiny - ji's morning mist.

We were one. Mom and dad hope my grades as him. I'm a little bit from blow arrogance. My personality is particularly bright. My dream is to want to be a "officer". I am the monitor of the class when we go to the kindergarten. Feel good. I am especially proud of tube of others. Often to help others is my preference. In this exciting new semester. I was lucky enough to be as English lesson representative. It is great. I will use all my ability to complete the teacher give me each task. I am a good student, a day of work can be completed on time. After finish can check for yourself. Actively speak in class. Love to help classmates. So the teacher chose me when he's little helper. If where do not please the classmates and teachers give me correct in a timely manner. Of course I also have shortcomings, without much thought. My classmates all like music, dance. And I, as a female classmate, but no music cell. Mother said I like boys, I never go to take part in the extracurricular activities, I felt boring. It is better to sit quietly in the classroom reading. Mother often buys me Yang hongying album. And adopts the complete. This is my favorite. My mother called me a nerd, I'm reading special fascination, a see be two or three hours, a book with one. This is me. I this person's average in appearance, not perfect. But I will foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, to be a good girl. Listen to my introduction, do you think of me? I hope you like me.







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