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2023-05-10 02:47:08




Since the childhood, I like a little princess, mom and dad every possible way to care for me, I always want to prove that I grow up, that day, the opportunity came.

One Sunday, the sun and the white clouds in the sky that can be the dark clouds, god changeable, the heavy rain, I caught off guard, I quickly closed the Windows, static under heart. But my face shua suddenly turned dark clouds by the sun. Because I think mom didn't know it will rain today, didn't carry an umbrella, and went off to work, how can she come back, so I wake in the key, changed his clothes, and quickly toward outside. Just go out, saw the rain, just remember oneself didn't carry an umbrella, I had to take an umbrella, ready to go out, check again what to bring, check, glanced at his watch, "oh, mother to work!" I shout, quickly locked the door and ran toward the station, the station, I glance left and right, and straight to stamping, car very not easy, I ran to the door, the first squeeze on the car, I shrewdly drill to car doorway, anxiously waiting for the car, a station, two stations,... I wish to nod wings to fly to my mother's office. Very not easy out of the car and I like the rockets ran to my mother's office, splashing in mud from head to also don't know, I could just see a figure in the doorway stood anxiously, I see! Is my mother! I loudly shout: "mom! Mom!" I excited too, accidentally slipped and fell flat on top, is happy, I didn't tube these things, I like all right to stand up, at 10 meters per second to mom, "mom, umbrella!" I said to his mother. "Look, you give me an umbrella, because he himself became dirty MCE drowned rat, head also hung up the color?" Mother said with a smile. Mom this say, I just remembered, I just want to give mom umbrella, himself forgot an umbrella, mud splashed all over, touch his head again, up a big pack, but I do not feel pain.

Back home, I have a cold, but my heart than eating the honey still sweet, because I grew up!



一个星期天,太阳和白云在天空中搏斗,可乌云来了,老天爷说变就变,大雨骤降,弄得我措手不及,我连忙关上窗户,才静下了心。可我的脸唰地一下由太阳转乌云了。因为我想起妈妈不知今天有雨,没带伞,就去上班了,她可怎么回来呀,于是我急急忙忙地带上钥匙,换好衣服,飞快地往屋外赶。刚出门,看见大雨时,才记起自己没带伞,我只得去拿伞,准备出门时,检查了一遍有没有什么还要带的东西,检查好后,一看表,“糟了,妈妈要下班了!”我大叫起来,连忙锁上门,往车站跑去,到了车站,我左顾右盼,急得直跺脚,车好不容易来了,我大步跑向车门,第一个挤上了车,我机灵地钻到车门口,焦急地等待着下车,一站、两站、……我恨不得长上翅膀飞到妈妈的办公室。好不容易下了车,我像火箭般跑向妈妈的办公室,溅了一身泥也不知道,我隐约看到一个身影在门口焦急地站着,我看见了!是 我妈妈!我大声喊:“妈妈!妈妈!”我兴奋得过了头,一不小心脚下一滑,摔了个跟头,正高兴的我,才没有管这些呢,我像没事一样站起来,以每秒十米的速度冲向妈妈,“妈妈,伞!”我对妈妈说。“瞧你,给我送伞,自己倒变成脏乎乎的落汤鸡了,头上还挂了彩呢。”妈妈笑着说。妈妈这一说,我才想起来,我只想着给妈妈送伞,自己倒忘了打伞了,溅了一身的泥,再摸摸头上,起了一个大包,可我却感觉不到疼。





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