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2023-05-11 02:58:05




And on weekends, city lights in the square, like a star sleep.magic blinked. My brother and I go to the city square rowing in the lake of the hovercraft.

Brother with wooden paddles sit hovercraft head forward, I sat in the stern, holding a wooden OARS rowed back, ship was swinging in the center of the lake. I held a pen, splashing spray, rushed in like the flying elder brother's face, while the elder brother body dripping water, become a veritable drowned rat. My brother not to be outdone the OARS backhand, I knowingly hid, clothes not drop water, but the water on the pants to flow like a waterfall. Hovercraft like seesaw skew to the left for a while, a moment to the right, it was a long time before we calm down. Rowing paddle, gradually we find that law, forcibly back together, ship forward; Forward, ship it back. Find a rule, we can free play. "Report, found that goal - ahead another hovercraft." Report to the elder brother I loudly. We first move quietly in the past, and then quickly forward, "bang", splash splashing a mile high, then it is "rain" fell into the boat. We hasten to water, you pour it, it is also a joy with you in the ship, as written by su shi "jump white rain beads into the ship". Although our body is full of water, we play very happy, happy as in a dream. However, happiness is always short, listen, "8 time." The boss tearing voice with a loud cry, bring us back to reality.

The stars sleep.magic blinked, as if to say: "goodbye next Saturday night." We tread the bright moonlight, humming music includes home to change clothes!


又到了周末, 城市广场上灯光闪耀,像一颗小星星调皮地眨着眼睛。我、哥哥去城市广场的湖里划气垫船。

哥哥拿着木桨坐在气垫船头向前划,我坐在船尾,手握木桨向后划,船便在湖中心转着。我用力一挥,溅起无数浪花飞似地冲在了哥哥的脸上,霎时间哥哥全身滴着水,变成名副其实的落汤鸡。我哥哥也不甘示弱把桨反手一挥,我机警地一躲 , 衣服滴水不沾,可裤上的水像瀑布一样流着。气垫船像跷跷板一会向左斜,一会向右倾,过了很久我们才平静下来。划着划着,渐渐地我们发现规律,一齐用力向后划,船就向前;向前划,船便向后移。找到规律,我们就可自由发挥。“报告,前方发现目标——另一艘气垫船。”我大声向哥哥报告。我们先悄悄移过去,然后飞快地向前冲,“砰”,水花溅起一丈高,紧接着便是“倾盆大雨”落入船中。我们赶紧泼水,你泼它一下,它还你一个喜悦装在船上,正如苏轼所写的`“白雨跳珠乱入船”啊。虽然我们身上全是水,但我们玩得十分快乐,犹如在一个快乐的梦中。不过,快乐总是很短暂的,听,“8号时间到了。”老板扯着嗓子大声喊叫,把我们拉回现实。

星星调皮地眨着眼睛,似乎在说:“下周六晚上再会。”我们踏着皎洁的月光,哼着自编的乐曲回家换衣服 啰 !




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