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2023-05-11 05:24:08




Last Saturday, my mother took me to a flower shop, shop to flowers and plants, is full of colorful, also from time to time came the flowers, it was really great! Then, my eyes to the small strains in the corner of the sensitive plant, in that tall green plants, it is so small. Let me give it produced a strange feeling, when he left, I let my mother bought the small strain sensitive plant.

At home, I can't wait to see how it is shy. Sensitive plant leaf is green, is composed of dozens of small leaves, like a shuttle weaving, there is a connection among leaf stem, the small leaf string. Its every on the branches, with a small thorn, hand accidentally run into it, will stab bleeding. Mimosa like a shy little girl, I gently touched on the blade, it is folded along petiole, blade becomes very thin thin, also low branches bowed his head, as if afraid to see people. This is fun! I have time to go off.

But once, and I go off the sensitive plant, only to find that mimosa pudica leaves move significantly slow the speed of a lot of. I keep fingers, then mimosa incredibly still! Is it dead? Can I urgent is broken.

I'll read "hundred thousand whys" finally found the information, understand the mystery: originally, petioles of mimosa pudica below a specific sac sac bag, called leaf pillow, contains plenty of water, when you touch the blade, the water in the pulvinus immediately flow elsewhere, pulvinus was flat, and the leaves fell down. I often continuous to touch it, the moisture inside the pulvinus emptied out, a new water to supplement, the status of the blade in the fixed.

Unexpectedly, one individual plant grass was hiding so interesting knowledge. Seems to be much more at ordinary times in life to observe!










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