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2023-05-12 05:01:05




On October 1, 1949, more than 30 jun-min wan gathering held a founding ceremony in tiananmen square. People, capital, flowers, lamp act the role ofing collected festive ocean. 3 PM in the national anthem of the march of the volunteers, the strains, chairman, vice-chairman of the central people's government and members are in place, the people's leader MAO zedong solemnly declare: the People's Republic of China was founded today! Hear this voice shocked, shocked China, Beijing shocked the world!

Yeah! Campus potholes, rainy day before rubber shoes to wear water out of the campus. Now, no matter what to wear on rainy days can move easily in and out of the shoe? Former campus teaching building structure is simple, rough, corridor is very dangerous, is not very good. Now the building ground the ceramic tile on the shop, to reinforce the hallway, appearance also become beautiful, appearance also taken on a new look; School education level is low, before two subject students only has Chinese, maths is very boring, now, other subjects also opened one after another, the classmates very happy, class spirit, also cheerful the many. Home before the roads are dirt, rainy days is slippery, covered in mud. Now home road into a cement road, also no longer slide on a rainy day, these can't reflect the variation of the motherland?

On August 8, 2008, a dramatic event, held the grand opening of the summer Olympic Games of the People's Republic of China. This marks the Chinese strong national strength, the Chinese people have stood up! Hear the national anthem sounded again and again, one of the athletes, how exciting!

On October 15, 2003, China's first as an astronaut Yang liwei Shenzhou 5 The spacecraft into space. Implements the flying dream of the Chinese nation. In October 2005, after China's second manned spacecraft Shenzhou vi The successful launch, these not straight show that the new science and technology of China tengda?

Yeah! The motherland in the change! The motherland is strong! The motherland new science and technology developed! We should good good study, in this wonderful time pillars just be the motherland, for the future of our motherland strong, prosperous and prosperous to exert more power. Make our country a better place!


1949年10月1日,30多万军民聚集在天安门广场上举行了开国大典。人群、彩绸、鲜花、灯饰等汇成了喜庆的海洋。下午三时在国歌《义勇军进行曲》的乐曲声中,中央人民政府主席、副主席和委员就位,人民领袖毛泽东庄严宣布: 中华人民共和国今天成立了! 这个宏亮的声音震撼了北京、震撼了中国、震撼了世界!



2003年10月15日,中国的第一为航天员杨利伟乘坐 神舟五号 飞船进入太空。实现了中华民族的飞天梦想。之后2005年10月,中国第二号载人飞船 神舟六号 发射成功,这些不正表明中国科技日新腾达吗?





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