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2023-05-12 05:26:03




When I opened the book "how the steel was tempered, I still immersed in the book with the ink and exquisite cover. But when I really go to read the book, to truly be the hero of the book - Paul ko ezer gold story deeply moved.

Beginning in the book is about the hero Paul suffered bullying and discrimination of teachers and students at school. Think he is a never understand of iron melon head. But the bear to bully the child, in the heart buried the seeds of the ideal. Day after day, year after year. Until Paul's brother -- -- AErJiaoM ko ezer gold appeared. Let Paul experienced a symbol of strength. He was determined to take up the steel qi ā ng to defend the motherland. But then, projectile will Paul has experienced the vicissitudes of life on the road to blow up a huge crater. Paul was struck with blindness. But it didn't scare Paul. He continue to pick up the "weapon" began fighting on the first line. He picked up the steel only qi ā ng, instead of a pen. This to have paralyzed people, if a what a heavy blow! But he resolutely take pen, groping, stick to writing, write a word, he needs to pay a very hard work, through the efforts of the tenacious, he finally success to write the novel the first few chapters of the journal was born in the storm. Read, read, I could not help but to tears, surge of emotion surge, Paul ko ezer gold the resolute face, as if in front of my eyes.

Whenever I suffer setbacks and tears, I would think of Paul the tall figure, to put himself into a real steel








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