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2023-05-14 02:54:05




"As long as everyone give a little love, the world will become a better human..." I like to sing this song before, now I prefer to sing this song, because I feel full of love to be found everywhere, everywhere is full of love.

It was a Saturday, my mother and I took to the streets together. See there is a little girl in front, long very handsome, watery big eyes, straighten the nose, small mouth, dressed in an old and pale, her head bowed, his knees, there is a piece of paper in front of her, the font on the paper smooth and rich aesthetic feeling "dear uncle aunt, brother elder sister, today I ask you to help me, I lost, the home have a little brother, mother perennial is ill in bed, the man, you help me!" Read the content of the paper, my heart was shocked, the same age, the little girl cruel face the reality life, at an early age to carry the weight of life, and we, mom and dad, relatives elders pampers to dare not to pick the moon stars. But what little girl? Thought of here, I not hesitate contributed 20 yuan. Passing uncle aunt grandparents were given their own love, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50. Donations) toward these kind people, the little girl's eyes moist, kept saying; "Thank you, thank you '

It is because of love, just had this beautiful everything.

In newspapers and on TV, we often see glistening love. He, working out a monumental exploits of migrant workers, in order to save the drowning girl, laid down his young life. 26-year-old him, a construction site workers, to save the old man in surrounded by fire to the building, was badly hurt, but without complaint. She, a talented young woman teacher, give up the good conditions, the type of her life to the impoverished mountainous area children... Such examples of countless more, in the cold winter, human love is like a burning fires, give people light, warm the heart of everyone.

In the footprints of life, in dribs and drabs of life, caring angels everywhere. The sun is caring, the birth of the sunshine of life can calm. A grain of sand, a leaf, a square stone, just have life reproduction of footprint, all eyes can defy the dark, all the seasons, we can only again and again like that circuit of the water wheel. A wide open window into a beam of light, a fairy tale was born. Then the moon and the stars are caring, many beautiful to come from now on, such as the sky fluttering white feathers.

All this all comes from love.

The golden light of love is full of the universe, the warm human love, and endless throughout history, there is no beginning or end.












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