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2023-05-14 05:20:03




A gust of wind and rain combined with "shout" voice tap on the window of the frightening sound. Like a sword, constantly on the glass of the window, the window glass in front of the wind and rain, seemed very fragile, like a hard, the Windows are broken. The sun's uncle was frighten hide in the thick clouds. At this moment, all Windows are closed, when the typhoon to forecast. I also like the sun, hide in the home. Morakot's arrival, people in pain. In some low-lying cities, more and more full of floodwaters each family, each building, the collapse of thousands of people killed in the flood of cold. Water gradually grown over people's knee. Millions of people were trapped in the home, in a dilemma. It is at this urgent moment, countless people's liberation army uncle will always appear in the roaring flood rescue.

We in jinhua, almost is carefree, not sorrow eat, not sorrow to wear, the typhoon blow, earthquake, flood. But we thought not far in the home, on tenterhooks all day, afraid of earthquake, flood, typhoon. All day with a meal hunger, cold days, doesn't even have a warm clothes, this kind of life? And we, in such a good environment, but also want this, all day to that, if let you to experience the life, what would you do, will surely squealed,

Typhoon and earthquake, can destroy people's homes, but who also cannot destroy destroy the hearts of the people, all of us together, I believe that the typhoon will soon be over! We also want to learn, later can fight against the typhoon!








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