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2023-05-14 06:45:05




Do remember the day in the summer vacation, I was on the labor and going to her mother-in-law's house to play, I sat in the car, the car flew straight on the road to "run", building outside the window fly generally backward, let me see what is not clear at this time. Car after a station and a station, and finally to the grandmother of the door, I saw the door opened, and at the day, the step to walk out of the car and I am happy when I stepped empty, accidentally fell to the side of the flower beds, I can't get up in pain. Cars are gone now, what can we do, it grew dark, the car stops at site for two minutes to drive away, at this moment, the car suddenly stopped, hurriedly stepped down from the car an uncle, about 30 years old, should be the driver. Footpath beside me, and he stooped and affectionately said to me: "kid, what's the matter?" I said: "it's okay." Uncle saw, immediately hand and lift me up, without extra trouble from his pocket and took out paper towel, clean my wound, fast again, then send me home. At this moment, I feel very warm. Since then, I determined to, must to help others. That time, I was through a supermarket, this is I saw on the stairs at the gate of the supermarket, has a baby brother crying, I saw, walk over and touched him on the head, said: "where is your mother!" He saw a little bit better, but still crying, one - is can't find his mother, I have seen a, go to one side of the shop to buy sugar for him to eat, and go to the nearby to find mom. After a while his mother came. She is I look at her child, will bother to say thank you for the first time I feel love to how people are feeling. If all the people will care about others, so all for one, one for all, the world will be wonderful.






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