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2023-05-14 06:46:01




In the world, there are pure friendship with meticulous care, have a deep-rooted hatred... but the most precious is the ubiquitous among this love.

When I was young, dad wanted me to learn skating, when I put on it a little bit bigger skates, a shaky feeling arises spontaneously, happened to, neighbor Zhu Hui sister is coming to see me to learn skating, holding my dad walked slowly step character, I slipped slowly under the help of my father, but still remaining fear in the heart, so, I repeatedly asked dad must hold me, I slipped more smoothly, like a graceful swallows. Daddy's hand is becoming more and more relaxed in virtually, however, when I feel dad didn't help me, exclaimed: "daddy, daddy!" Suddenly, "flop," a cry, and I fell to the ground, immediately dizzy, just felt a sharp pain, watching the mother, Zhu Hui sister and some of the people close to, hear the sound, "flop" is coming to see what was happening, and when I saw when I fell to the ground, have come to help me, given that I learn skating and falls down, because have encouraged me to go on studying skating: "you've got to keep it, otherwise what also learn can't!" , "adhere to is victory, you also want to insist!" . Sentences like spurts of warm current flow into my heart, finally, expectations, I learned to skate. Visible, love of the world is so warm!

In fact, such a thing there is a lot of, this year's "5.12" wenchuan earthquake is not a good example? After the earthquake, people from all over the world are stretched out a helping hand to help victims rebuild their homes, the victims of the gratitude.

Love is a kind of pay, like the genial sunshine; Love is a kind of sacrifice, like a gentle breeze; Love is a virtue, as selfless earth.

Let us love others, let meticulous care everywhere!



小时候,爸爸要我学溜冰,当我穿上那稍大了一点的.溜冰鞋时,一种摇摇欲坠的感觉油然而生,恰巧,邻居朱慧姐姐也过来看我学溜冰,爸爸扶着我慢慢地走八字步,我在爸爸的搀扶下慢慢地溜着,但是心中依然残存着害怕,于是,我再三嘱咐爸爸一定要扶好我,我溜得越来越平稳,像一只轻盈的燕子。可是,爸爸的手在无形中越来越松弛,当我感觉到爸爸并没有扶我时,惊叫起来:“爸爸,爸爸!”突然,“扑通”一声,我重重地摔到了地上,顿时头晕目眩,只感到一阵剧痛,在一旁观看的妈妈、朱慧姐姐和一些较近的人们,听见“扑通”这一声,都过来看怎么回事,当看到我摔倒在地时,纷纷过来将我扶起,问长问短,得知我是因为学溜冰而摔倒时,都鼓励我继续学溜冰:“你可要坚持呀,要不然什么也学不会!”、“坚持就是胜利,你也要坚持啊!”......一句句话像一股股暖流流进我的心里,终于,我不负众望,学会了溜冰。可见 ,人间的关爱是多么温暖啊!






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