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2023-05-14 07:09:06




Essay one: I love my country

Country is feeding our mother, is the cradle of all is the life, is she gave us life, let we thrive on the vast earth, we should be proud because he is a Chinese. Therefore, we should always said to myself: I'm Chinese, I feel proud for it!

On May 12, 2015, 14:28 points, wenchuan 8.0 earthquake happened in sichuan province, for houses have collapsed, then screams and cries mingled, tore heart crack, filled the sky. Innocent children, haven't had time to escape, was always under pressure in the brick, just in a flash, they have not seen the sky, the sun, that is full of warm face But some of the people of disaster areas also bravely in self-help, the disaster area moment touched the hearts of the Chinese around the world at the same time, the Chinese people and also out of the hand, money, gift, blood donation.

However, people love of natural disasters, the earthquake near our school also held for the wenchuan earthquake disaster area donation ceremony. At the time of donation ceremony has yet to start, our school teachers and students to stand in silence for three minutes for earthquake heroes and the victims of the earthquake. The silence when I seem to see the ruins, saw the rubble, saw the people broken homes; I seem to hear the buried in the rubble, the voice of the cry for help, heard the bereaved people tore heart crack lung of cry, mother heard the screaming baby every thought of here, my heart is broken, just felt a twinge of heart pain, tears blurred my eyes. ! Students to represent the love of 50 yuan, 100 yuan, 200 yuan into the donation box. As a Chinese, I have given a piece of love, I sincerely hope that the wenchuan soon overcome difficulties. Regardless of the number is much or little, it represents our and the disaster area people's hearts forever together, all represent our missing in the disaster areas.

At this moment I deeply feel the unity strength!


祖国是哺育我们的母亲,是所有是生命的摇篮,是她给予了我们的生命,让我们在辽阔的大地上茁壮成长,我们应该因为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲。因此,我们要时常对自己说: 我是中国人 ,我为此而感到骄傲!

2015年5月12日14点28分,四川省汶川发生了8.0级大地震,霎时房屋纷纷倒塌,尖叫声和哭喊声混杂在一起,撕心肺裂,弥漫天际。无辜的孩子们,还未来得及逃走,就被永远地压在砖块下,就在一瞬间,他们便再也无缘见到那晴空、那阳光、那一张张充满温暖的脸庞 但有些灾区的百姓也在勇敢地自救,灾区的情况时刻牵动着全球华人的心,于此同时,中国人民伸也出了援助之手,纷纷捐钱、捐物、献血。

然而,天灾无情人有情,在地震不久我们学校也举行了为汶川地震受灾区捐款仪式.在捐款仪式还没有开始的时候,我们学校的老师及同学们为抗震英雄和地震中的遇难者默哀三分钟..默哀时我仿佛看到了残垣断壁,看到了废墟瓦砾,看到了人们破碎的家园;我仿佛听到了被埋在废墟下的人呼救的声音,听到了失去亲人的人撕心裂肺的`哭喊,听到了嗷嗷待哺的婴儿的一声声 妈妈 想到这儿,我的心都碎了,只感到一阵阵揪心的疼痛,泪水模糊了我的双眼。! 同学们把代表着爱心的50元、100元、200元投进捐款箱.作为一名中国人,我也献出了一片爱心,我衷心希望汶川早日度过难关。不管数目是多是少,都代表了我们和受灾区人民的心永远连在一起,都代表了我们无时无刻的想念灾区。





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