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2023-05-14 07:56:06




Everyone has their good habits, such as like to insist to take exercise, keep a diary, cleaning and so on. My good habits is special, it is normal, but very useful, it is "thinking" quietly.

From elementary school, I have this good habit, it brings me a lot of joy, a lot of enlightenment, and lead me into the sea of knowledge.

There have been so once, tutoring in math competition, the teacher arranged a few exercises. A few questions before was soon I solve it, only the last question, we discussed for quite a while or no choice. After I came home from school, I according to the old habits, quietly thinking. At first, the numerous and complicated geometry is really make me dazzling, giddy, let I don't know where to start. Later, I quietly thinking, thinking, gradually, the thinking of the "frame", the original graphics started to become regular, can distinguish between them which have a contact, which there is no link. Then, I put on in the places where there is no link the auxiliary line. On this basis, I quietly thinking, think again, take the skylight, closely proved to this problem. At this moment my joy is self-evident, jumped with joy, loudly shout: "success, success!" Is cooking mother puzzling, think what happened, hurriedly ran out of the question. I thank you from the bottom of it - my good habits.

Remember once, my composition before desperately looking for material in my mind. Due to proceed to hand in the composition, I panic is almost a blank in my head. At this time, I told myself: don't panic, calm down and think slowly, only in this way, we can find a good material. Sure enough, within five minutes, I found a good material, and quickly to write a good composition. A few days later, send the text, it's quite a nice results! At that time, I like it more and more appreciate it - my good habits.

Now, I am more deeply realize that only "quietly thinking", to make you free from worry; Only "quietly thinking", can make you open a road in front of thorns; Only "quietly thinking", to make you get real happiness. I like thinking quietly, I believe that the good habits will make my lifelong benefit.










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