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2023-05-15 02:02:05




Today, I and several classmates to do a small survey. We go to the survey population. We said to sister: sister haizhu department we are learning elementary school, 3 (2) the classmate of class, we should survey population, can you help us to fill in the table? My sister said: all right. In the elder sister to write, we asked my sister: do you usually go out using white shopping bags or environmental protection shopping bags. Is white shopping bags. My sister said. We said to sister, white shopping bags is very polluted, you should use environmental protection shopping bags. Good! Next is the green card. We went to the door of the supermarket, saw an old man with a white shopping bags. A classmate run in the past, in our group call grandpa said: grandpa, now the earth has been destroyed by white pollution of don't know how, please use environmental protection shopping bags, shopping bags don't use white, would you please accept this green card, thank you for your cooperation!

Hope you make a green citizens, enjoy healthy life, cherish the earth mother!


今天,我和几位同学一起去做小调查。我们先去调查人口。我们客气的对姐姐说: 姐姐我们是学府小学海珠部,三(2)班的同学,我们要调查人口,你可以帮我们填一下表吗? 姐姐说: 可以。 在姐姐写的时候,我们问姐姐: 你一般出门使用白色购物袋还是环保购物袋。 是白色购物袋。 姐姐说。我们对姐姐说:白色购物袋是非常污染的,你应该用环保购物袋。 好的! 接下来是发绿色卡片。我们走到超市门口,看见一位老爷爷拿着白色购物袋走出来。我们组里的一位同学跑过去,叫住老爷爷说: 老爷爷,现在地球已经被白色污染破坏的不知成什么样了,请您用环保购物袋,不要用白色购物袋,请您收下这张绿色卡片,谢谢合作!

希望大家做个 绿色公民,享健康人生,爱护地球妈妈!




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