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2023-05-15 04:41:01




My hometown is beautiful, rich products, full of hengyang.

Nanyue in hengyang, one of the five, one of my favorite hengyang nanyue in the city Back to the wild goose peak. There is a legend: every winter geese from the far north to be a man Glyph flew, but once back to the wild goose peak, the geese do not fly south, as if to say: look! It's a beautiful mountain scenery ah, we're in this home! Every spring, drizzle moistens quietly back to the wild goose peak. Overnight, all the trees were pulled out a pale green branches and leaves, flowers, open the smiley face, the grass out the green head. It's back to the wild goose peak only! Xiangjiang river is our mother river, clear water, blue sky, the tall mountains, the scenery around my hometown, there are butterflies, flowers, grass, the trees, with home, let the home more beautiful and lovely.

autumn, perform, golden oranges hanging in the trees, like a small sun, let a person look at the mouth about, this is a specialty of hengyang Seedless oranges. Look cute, eat more good. A bite, oh, how sweet! Has been out of his mouth, sweet to the heart, only feel sweet, also want to eat one. Hengyang also abounds in day lily, XiangLian, lake of wine, and so on, these products add a lot of good reputation for my hometown. Hengyang mineral also, claims to be The hometown of nonferrous metals The hometown of nonmetal. ShuiKouShan lead-zinc mine of beryllium copper quality, unique, the world's highest.

Hengyang is a place of talent. China's four great inventions of paper is invented by CAI lun, hengyang and revolutionaries Luo Ronghuan, Xia Minghan thinker wang fuzhi gradually This is all celebrity of China has a huge contribution, is the pride of hengyang!

I am proud, I have such a home! I love my hometown!



五岳之一的南岳就在衡阳,其中我最喜欢衡阳市内的南岳第一峰 回雁峰。有个传说:每年冬季大雁从遥远的北方排着 人 字形飞过来,可一到了回雁峰,那些大雁就不往南飞了,好像在说: 瞧!这山峰的.景色真美呀,我们就在这安家吧! 每年春季,蒙蒙细雨悄悄滋润着回雁峰。一夜之间,所有的树都抽出了嫩绿的枝叶,花朵张开了笑脸,草儿探出了青青的头。真是回雁峰独秀呀! 湘江河 是我们的母亲河,清清的河水,蓝蓝的天空,高高的山坡,这景色环绕着我的家乡,还有蝴蝶、小花、小草、树林陪伴着家乡,让家乡更美丽更可爱了。

秋天,桔园里,一个个金黄的桔子挂在树梢,像一个个小太阳,让人看着就嘴谗,这就是衡阳的特产 无核蜜桔。样子可爱,吃起来更不错。咬一口,哦,好甜呀!一直从嘴里甜到心里去了,只觉得心里甜蜜蜜的,还想再吃一个。另外衡阳还盛产黄花菜、湘莲、湖之酒等等,这些特产为我的家乡增添了不少美誉。衡阳的矿产同样丰富,号称 有色金属之乡 非金属之乡 。水口山铅锌矿的铍铜合金质量,国内独有,世界前列。

衡阳还是一个人才济济的地方。中国四大发明中的 造纸术 就是衡阳的蔡伦发明的,还有革命家罗荣桓、夏明翰,思想家王夫之 这都是对中国有巨大贡献的名人,真是衡阳人的骄傲!





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