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2023-05-15 04:48:05




I see in the book: song lian love reading, because they had no money to buy, had to borrow. Every book speak good return time, people are willing to lend it to him. Once, song lian, read a good book to copy down the book, but also time is coming. So regardless of the cold night, put the books copied down overnight. During the day, he returned the book to somebody else. The somebody else see still so good, so complete a book, he said to song lian: "what book do you want to see, choose by yourself!" Later, song lian has become a literary legend.

From this story we can see, the good faith is the soul of man. As long as we keep promise, we can get more "wealth". Not is say good faith better than gold or silver? So "god" gave the penniless man a basket "integrity". Because of good faith to create the wealth. Only abide by integrity, "wealth" would continuously to you! This time you will feel true happiness.

Just that I'll say! That time, had an appointment with elder sister to tao chong. But it is not at all a nice day in the morning, light rain falling down. : I was supposed to rain, the elder sister should not wait for me, I wouldn't go. Can almost one thought: one thousand elder sister is waiting for me, I didn't let her white, etc? I went to better.

For a person with good faith, people don't cheat me; To the matter by the good faith, the thing is. That is the case.

I hurried to go to, find the elder sister is waiting for me. Hey hey, the rain has stopped, so my sister and I went to the town for a spin. Along the way with laughter. That day my harvest is happy.

So, my friend, remember: "a word spoken is an arrow let fly." With good faith, regardless of your life is good enough, you have become a happy person.











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