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2023-05-15 06:08:04


导语:风清气爽,天气舒适宜人的秋天到来了,在这渐浓的秋意渲染、熏陶之中,一些植物的叶子由绿变黄,由黄变红,把秋天打扮得五颜六色,色彩斑斓,成为人们秋季旅游的一道十分亮丽的风景线。。 下面是小编为大家整理的秋天英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助。欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Autumn, a busy season, like a golden season, the results of a mature season.

In autumn, everywhere is golden yellow, is filled with laughter and sweat, is filled with the harvest. One shy face red apple on the apple trees were people remove; One smile cracked lips of corn was broke off; Out, eat and have a big belly of peanut by people from out of the ground plane; Green grass in the past has turned into pieces of yellow land. If this is the autumn girl came to the scene

Autumn, is the children's favorite season. Children from thin summer changed into the various beautiful sweaters, with only a kite to fly the kite in the broad fields, looking at the beautiful kite flying freely in the blue sky, the children of the beautiful and the childlike also follow the fly, no constraint, no discipline no heavy homework, it was the children aspire to the world

In this golden autumn, I remembered some great poets praise autumn poem, the poet tu mu's 'parking sit love maple's woods night, autumn leaves be red in February flower ", liu yuxi also had praise autumn, he said,' since ancient times on every autumn sad loneliness, I say spring autumn wins the '. Autumn is really charming, or else how can have so many great poets in praise of autumn

In this golden autumn, I want to make a study plan. Autumn disappeared lazy of spring, the summer heat and winter cold. In this fall, I will study hard, strive forward, testing a good result

Autumn, I love you, love you harvest and busy, love your gold, love you more mature.











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