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2023-05-15 06:40:08




Once I saw a touching story in the newspaper, the story goes that a student had leukemia is going to primary school, living in the hospital, she was desperate, because her illness need in bone marrow can be cured, she stood by the window every day, quietly looking at the rising sun, the sun always see down to the west, her parents always hunting for everyday people can change the bone marrow, although they know that even in the bone marrow, the chance of success is only forty percent, but they still don't give up, because they believe that as long as you work hard, you will succeed! Finally, god helps those who help themselves, in another hospital after a cancer kids know, immediately contact with her parents, after checking, confirming that his bone marrow, so they brought the best experts to do the transplant, "success! Success!" , when the joy of victory into their mind, the excited tears uncontrollably from high down his cheek. In this way the pupils ultimately survived.

Yeah! Story touched life, touching behavior also can warm a heart, everywhere all have warm! Remember that is one afternoon, after school, my classmates and I walk on the street, see the opposite of an old woman all of a sudden fell to the ground, passing pedestrians didn't even look at a glance, only a little about seven or eight years old my brother to help the old woman up, as he said to the old woman polite a cry: "grandma, bye!"

Listened to these two stories, do you have sigh, sigh the spirit, exclamation this warm!








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