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2023-05-16 02:28:02




A dog is man's most loyal friend, so I like the dog. My home have a dog, the whole body furry, gently touched very comfortable! Its black eyes, like two round black stones. His nose is black, the sense of smell is very sensitive, can smell the taste of a few kilometers away. Ears are triangular, curved, tail wag, meet acquaintances I like it too much, give it a name called "huanhuan".

Huanhuan is often at home waiting for me, the blue eyes as if to say: "small master, when you leave school? I was at home waiting for you to come back and play with me!" When I got home from school, huanhuan will suddenly rushed out, kept shaking his tail, and linger in the back and forth between my feet and sometimes even came over me, want me to hug! That looks like very excited, as if to say: "little master, you finally came back, I wait for you most!"

Huanhuan is the most likes to eat bones, I every day to feed it with bones. On one occasion, I intentionally with bones to make it. I pass it the bones, see will be huanhuan bit, I intentionally put the bones, huanhuan anxious to jump around, again and again, huanhuan too tired to lie prone on the ground panting, looked at me wretched, as if to say: "small master, give me a root, I good want to eat!" Looking at it appealed to look in the eyes, I gave it a bone, huanhuan hurriedly gorge, soon finished eating the bone, you stretch your tongue in their mouth add to lick, as if still in the aftertaste too delicious!

Whenever I am happy, I will play with it together. When I am sad, I will talk with him, huanhuan always squatted on the ground, seriously listen to me, seemed to say: "small master, don't be sad, everything will be past." I was worry, depression to the outside of the cloud nine.

Since huanhuan came to my home, add endless fun to me, I really like it!










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