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2023-05-16 03:53:03




teachers and fellow students:

Everybody is good! Mom and dad can be good for me! I like them very much, also very grateful to them.

When I was sick, mom and dad is very anxious, once in the evening, I suddenly have a fever, mom and dad to take me to a hospital to inject, I had a night off shot, mom and dad to accompany me a night, they are not sleeping, and mom and dad put the bed to my a person lying down, dropped out of fear of needles, the next day, they all please the false, not to work, I think they've been so nice to me.

Mom and dad always taught me that, my mother taught me so, young don't work hard, idle young, needy old, it mean, don't work hard, when I was a child grow up will regret it. My dad taught me from a young age to develop good moral character, for example, care for others, respect for elders, help others, don't lie, to be honest, I do what they taught me the truth, there are a lot of harvest.

Home mom and dad are very concerned about my study, they will ask me, what happened to the school, perform well and all kinds of problems, my mother also help me to quote the extracurricular remedial class, composition, aoshu, dance, take an examination of well, then they praise me, take an examination of well, also does not have severely criticized me, but the lessons for me, let me ask students to learn and with an open mind.

I more than eight years old, my each step growth, contain the parents of hard sweat and infinite love, I am very grateful to them, from now on, I want to listen to their words, more harder to learn skill, in the future, I will give them buy more delicious, even cooking for them, raising repay them.

Thank you all!












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