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2023-05-16 06:21:01




Today, our school held a grand "ten best singers contest". In the afternoon, the students moved the stool, the orderly queue to the wind and rain playground. We according to the teacher to arrange seat sat down, waiting for the start of the game. In a short time, each class, the teacher began to, whole crowded, noisy, every class's and grade's students sit on the seat of looking forward to your class to do well. The race began, I saw the sixth grade a host of quick and easy walk on stage, announce for everyone. Players played, with high enthusiasm sang, and elegant music, be full of the entire campus. Singing, singing, and finally, it's our turn to class ZhuangSi fung played, she confidently BiaoYanTai, smiling, wearing beautiful Tibetan clothing, sang "happy he spent". With her beautiful moving song, of our classmates stood up, raised excitedly loud clap vigorously shaking up, listening to the wonderful song is intoxicated by it. Waiting for her to sing finished, there was a hail of applause. As a singer of the song, one by one and Aaron to ding you Dan played in our class, she was very calm to BiaoYanTai, head wearing beautiful wreath, face the smile dazzlingly, wearing white gauze skirt with colorful flowers, and a pair of silver shoes, looks very bright, she sings very well, with their crisp and sweet voice sang a moving song, won the applause, not for a moment, singing contest is over, the two players of our class are evaluated in order to "ten best singer", when they receive awards, excited and happy smile on his face. The students also feel happy for them. Campus singing contest in HuanLeSheng ended, the talent competition is really exciting, looking forward to the next singer competition will be more wonderful.


今天,我们学校举行了一次盛大的`“十佳歌手比赛”。 下午,同学们搬着凳子,排着整齐有序的队伍来到了风雨操场。我们按照老师安排的座位坐了下来,等待比赛的开始。不一会儿,各班的同学,老师陆续到了,全场人山人海,热闹非凡,每个班级的同学都坐在座位上期盼着自己班的选手有出色的表现。 比赛开始了,只见六年级的一位主持人快步大方的走上台,为大家报幕。选手出场了,兴致高昂地唱了起来,一阵阵优雅动人的音乐声布满了整个校园。唱着、唱着,终于,轮到我们班的庄思妤出场了,她信心十足地走上表演台,她面带微笑,身穿美丽的西藏服,唱起了“幸福的格桑花” 。随着她优美动听的歌声飘扬,我们班的同学都站了起来,激动地举起手中的响拍拍用力地摇了起来,听着美妙的歌声都情不自禁的陶醉了。等她歌唱完毕,全场响起了一阵排山倒海般的掌声。 随着歌手一个个地唱完,又伦到我们班的丁祢丹出场了,她镇定自若地走上表演台,头上戴着美丽的花环,脸上露出了灿烂地笑容,身上穿着沾满五颜六色花朵的白纱裙,和一双银光闪闪的小皮鞋,显得格外耀眼,她唱得十分好听,用自己清脆又甜美的声音唱出了动人的歌曲,赢得了阵阵掌声,不一会儿,歌唱比赛结束了,我们班的两位选手都被评为了“十佳歌手”,在她们领取奖状的时候,脸上露出了兴奋又快乐地笑容。同学们也为她们而感到高兴。 校园歌手比赛在欢乐声中结束了,这次才艺比拼真是激动人心,期待下一次的歌手比赛会更加精彩。




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