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2023-05-16 07:21:01




Often think of my parents, until now I really realize the real meaning of that sentence - every festive holiday times!

On New Year's eve that night, I was still in my uncle, my uncle told me that day, your mother to vegetables seller now! "What? I can't believe it!" Why also on New Year's eve in selling vegetables, but also so cold outside! Don't they know he? No! Is not he who they don't know, but they want to keep more money for this home, let the family live a better life! Suddenly, in front of my eyes see parents help aunt selling vegetables scene! "In the cold winter, the sky blowing winds, the temperature is a few degrees below zero, and they can not consider of warm hands, use red with cold hands to the reach to outside, give people to food!" My tears come out! Maybe I touched, anyway, now I finally realized that parents earn money hard! "Can't they talk at home, drink a few mouth tea? Can't play computer at home?" No, they can, but for me, for the sake of the family, they give up, choose on New Year's eve night in also help aunt selling vegetables!

Perhaps, in front of the computer to see you, this article has not yet found of the hardships of parents to make money, hope that after you finish reading this article, can understand the parents make money of hard! As long as you carefully look at, you can find the parents make money not easy!

Now of I, have know the day and night the parents make money is why! It is to me!!!!!!! Selling vegetables at the New Year's eve, for me I think I'll never forget!









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