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2023-05-16 07:52:03




Ah! Who is in Poland in the white army to kill? Who is to lead the Soviet cavalry glory feats? Who is in love chose the revolution? Who chose to stick to in the seriously injured? Is he! Is he! Our hero - Paul ko ezer gold.

He is very naughty when I was a child. Once, vassili priest called the week before Christmas exam to go to his house classmates make-up examination, Paul is one of the, vassili priests to get their papers, a small room as he looked back to the moment, he immediately from his pocket at the end of a pack of cigarettes, sprinkled on vassili abbe feast with liner, the result of vassili priest family have loose bowels have loose bowels, vomit vomit. Later after he knew the truth, tears into orbit, feel wrong, visited the abbe, apologize to the abbe, vassili abbe did not criticize him as a result, praised instead to apologize of the spirit of Paul. It is refined into the fine quality of Paul.

When he was young love, the love of justice army. On one occasion, a Soviet soldier hide to spy on the enemy's activities in their home, always keep watch for him, as a police task, if the enemy comes, quickly notice the Soviet soldiers, let he hurriedly escape. But the accident happened at last. It was a sunny morning, two Peter leave la bandit troops entered the home Paul mariko, they found the soldier, happily laughed, heart had garnered far, but I didn't expect the scourge in killing. His game, he grabbed the soldier's pistol, three times five divided by two the ground bullets, aim at the Peter leave la bandit troops fired two shots, they immediately fall on the ground. It's become Paul justice.

Paul middle age especially patriotic. On one occasion, he led the 361 cavalry was ordered to assault enemy positions. Heavily outnumbered due, and they are also equipped with heavy machine guns. The soldiers were horrified. Then Paul a strides on, rely on combating dao at the enemy positions. The soldiers saw the boss so do not hesitate to life, emboldened too blunt past, a meet Poland white army had killed, and with them a cavalry, killed 600 white army soldiers, wounded.

This is he, combination of three quality's hero - Paul ko ezer gold, let us put his name in mind!










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