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2023-05-17 02:04:01




I love my home, what a familiar word, what kind of name. At the mention of "home", we are not unfamiliar. People often say: at home, will feel warm and comfortable. . Take the door, is a picture of a small bridge flowing water landscape, and then the dining room, corridor, is a boxy stateroom, beautiful generous white TV wall, annatto tea table, chair of the spring and autumn, alongside two POTS of flowers. Let's look at a study again, big filled with all kinds of books in the bookcase, a big bed, alongside two big wardrobe. My house is very lively, double bed, desk, bookcase, wardrobe, everything, and are red, blue, white, and a pencil hangers, doll is, of course, can be seen everywhere, hanging, swinging, very cute! The three of us form a family, not necessarily a deficiency, so what is to be together, together to solve difficult. On Tuesday, I as usual, after finishing the homework, just opened the Olympic math book, practice two Olympic math problem. "{} is 7 in addition to the remainder of" appeared in front of my eyes is a requirement to be read don't understand the question. "My mama ah!" I shouted, "what is this presentation? Amplification so hard?" Although say so, but also try to do. I seriously, word to word on the topic. I finally understand this problem demands. But, after all, can't do ah, so I started to break problems together, so the three of us began a joint efforts. One time in the past, the problem is, it seems, are still refused to bow to our "oh! I'm so tired, this problem is really difficult!" I lost ground to say. "Don't worry, you see there is a breakthrough." Father said to me, "here also can then step on the calculate results!" Mother said. "Oh, that's great!" I cried, "I did out, do it!" Mom and dad's face with a smile at the same time. This is my research together, this is our common wisdom. Home, it is sweet and beautiful, the home, is happy and harmonious; I love my family!


我爱我家 家,多么熟悉的字眼,多么可亲的名字。一提到”家“,我们都不陌生。人们常说:回到家,就会感到温暖和舒心。 . 一进门,映入眼帘的是一幅小桥流水的风景画,然后是餐厅,过了走廊,是方方正正的大客厅,靓丽大方的白色电视墙,红木的茶几、春秋椅,旁边还有两大盆花儿。再来瞧瞧书房吧,大大的书橱里放满了各种各样的书,一张大床,旁边还有两个大衣柜。我的小屋非常活泼,双层床、写字台、书架、衣柜,样样俱全,而且都是红、蓝、白一体的,还有一个铅笔衣架,洋娃娃当然是随处可见,挂着的、摆着的,可爱极了!我们三个人组成一个家庭,必然不能缺一个,所以什么是都要齐心协力,一起解决困难。上星期二,我像往常一样,写完作业后,就翻开奥数书,练习两道奥数题。 “计算{}被7除所得的余数”出现在我眼前的是一个连要求都读不懂的题。“我的妈呀!”我大叫一声,“这是什么破题呀?这么难呀?”虽然这么说,但也要做做试试呀。我认真地一字一字地审着题。这道题的要求我终于弄懂了。但是毕竟不会做呀,于是我发动了全家一起来攻破难题,就这样我们三个人开始了共同的努力。时间一分一秒地过去,这道题似乎还不肯向我们低头“哎呀!我太累了,这道题真难!”我失落地说。“别急,你瞧这里是一个突破口。”爸爸对我说,“这里也能接着上一步求出结果!”妈妈紧接着说。“啊,太棒了!”我一下叫了起来,“我做出来了,做出来了!”爸爸妈妈脸上同时露出了笑容。这是我共同研究的成果,这是我们共同的智慧。家,是温馨而美好的,家,是幸福而和睦的;我爱我家!




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