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2023-05-17 02:12:11




There is one thing, I do not know how long, is like a summer vacation.

A summer vacation, only my dad and two men in the home, my father but also to work, so my father took me to go with him, dad is a people's teacher, ah! Unfortunately, dad have a class all morning that day, a class, I can only a person, a person to play, really boring, a class, I will take the time to dad said: "no fun, no fun, I'm going home, I want to go home! I want to play with friend!" Every time dad could comfort me say: "you go and play with the big brother big sister! Dad to have a class, don't have enough time to play with you!" I which Ken and those strange elder brother elder sister to play together! To dad said: "I don't them to play, I want to go home and children play together" dad can't, and I know my heart below.

Again in class, class is over again, I don't know for a long time, to the last class, but my heart in the deep cliff, continued to decline, in my eyes moist, immediately a wearing a blue suit teachers seemed to see my mind, and he took me to play, bought me a lot of food, is going to class, bought me a "master of humor"

Time soon passed, and a look at my dad in the hands of a book, ask: "which come of?" I said: "the teacher buy send me!" Dad picked up the book want to back to the teacher, the teacher didn't pick up, the father said: "this child is lovely, you don't noisy don't make!"

Things have in the past for a long time, the book has not been cover bad, but I can't forget the teacher, in my pain when saved my life.










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