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2023-05-17 02:15:01




She, like a fresh spring moistens my heart. She, like a tea worth to savor. She, like a talisman, keep in my company. She is my mother, a good mother let I was moved.

When the sky arts of dawn, the earth was in a dream, you are for me to wash clothes, bean big sweat from your cheek slip, regardless you; When I meet with difficulties in study, the interpretation of your patience, I also don't understand, you will still took pains to me, until I know; When......

One let I touched of picture in your mind, but one thing I still remember.

On a sultry afternoon, I have loose bowels, at first I thought it was eating the wrong things, don't mind. But then, I've got a pain in my stomach is more and more, like a knife in my stomach, I like a cat on hot bricks, scared to cry. Mother heard asked me how to return a responsibility, I sobbed said: "my stomach is dead, all made four trips to the bathroom, this belly fumbling with me, how to do ah mom?" Mother hurriedly said: "certainly is the clothes too little catch a cold, come on, you go to lie, I cook soup for you warm the stomach." Mother went to the kitchen cook ginger soup, but my tears in her eyes, I was sick mother will like lost something important, in a hurry, but mother was ill, but I play outside, mother not only didn't blame me, also say with me don't tube her, and her classmates have a good time. What a good mother! Thought of here, I couldn't help crying.

A mother's love is selfless, is great, it is moving. Mother, I love you!





一个闷热的下午,我不停的拉肚子,起初我以为是吃错东西了,没管它。但后来,我的肚子越来越疼,好像一把刀在刺我的肚子,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,吓得大哭起来。妈妈听见了问我怎么回事,我抽泣着说:“ 我肚子痛死了,都上了四趟厕所了,这肚子还要折腾我,怎么办呀妈妈?”妈妈连忙说:“肯定是衣服穿得太少着凉了,来,你上床躺着,我煮碗汤给你暖一下肚子。”妈妈去厨房煮姜汤了,我的眼泪却在眼眶里打转,我生病了妈妈就好像什么重要的东西丢了似的,着急的不得了,而妈妈生病的时候,我却在外边玩儿,妈妈不但没责备我,还跟我说不用管她,和同学们玩得高兴点儿。多好的妈妈啊!想到这里,我情不自禁的哭了起来。





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