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2023-05-17 03:31:04


导语:父亲虽不善表达,却是个感情质朴的人。曾经在很长的一段时间里,父亲在我的心目中像一尊冷峻而遥远的雕像。 下面是小编为大家整理的,我的好爸爸英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网


My father is a power workers, although not tall but very strong, give a person with a sense of security. Is amiable, always speaks with a smile.

Dad will do good food, grandpa's grandmother did not live together, my mother and I are looking forward to dad off-duty, so my family can be big mouth, watching my mother and I eat sea, dad two eyes narrowed into a line of happiness!

Dad and I are very close, said is very convincing, because every time I don't have a good homework make mother angry, mother is really bent out of shape, then act as mediate agent always dad. Dad patted me on the shoulder, and said to me: "how can make mother angry, a man to do things will be clean, this job is not to fail the..." Said to me secretly motioned, winking at also asked his mother. Strange to say, dad this words I listen very often, so every time I can finish your homework quickly under the father encourage support.

My father since childhood education I want to be polite, remember when I was 5 years old, to grandma's house for dinner, going home, mom and grandma goodbye! I dug up the mouth is not to say, my father was angry and said to his mother: "we are not too a impolite children go home, let's go." And they ride on the motorcycle, really leave my a person in the grandma's downstairs, I am very surprise, but also very sad, a person cry to go home, although later I know mom has been followed at a distance, I actually went back to home, my father is very serious to education I, from then on, I really learned to be a polite child.

I like to communicate with my father, come home from school every day as long as the father at home, I'll tell dad what happened at school.

Dad poured a lot of effort in my body, I am very grateful to my father! I love my dad!




爸爸和我很亲近,说的话也很有说服力,每次我因为不好好作业惹妈妈生气,妈妈大发雷霆, 这时充当调和剂的总是爸爸。爸爸轻轻拍拍我的肩膀,对我说:“怎么可以惹妈妈生气呢,男子汉做事情就要干净利落,这点作业是难不倒我们的……”边说边向我偷偷示意,还向妈妈挤眉弄眼呢。说也怪了,爸爸这一番话我听着很入耳,于是每次我都能在爸爸的鼓励支持下很快完成作业。







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