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2023-05-17 04:05:03




Our country the is one of the most important holiday of the year, it is the ancient "Spring Festival". One thousand years, formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, such as sweep the dust, to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, New Year pictures, stick grilles, stick to "f" word, shou sui, firecrackers, happy New Year and Spring Festival eat custom culture and so on and so on. The many customs of the Spring Festival has been passed down from generation to generation.

"December 24, dusted off sweep the house", originally recorded in the ancient times the custom sweep the dust during the Spring Festival. Because of "dust" and "Chen" is homophonic, spring sweep dust blow away the cobwebs of the meaning, purpose is to put all the poverty, walking stick out of the door, all people to the old set new wish and pray for old, borrow dust sweep method to finish the year to the gain and loss, yearning to the good start in the New Year. With Spring Festival couplets, pictures, stick grilles, stick "blessing" word to describe time background, express good wishes, foil the festive holiday atmosphere, pour the everyone to stick, meaning in the "blessing has been that happiness has to". And the varied New Year pictures, grilles, Spring Festival couplets hung, look forward to give fu lu shou, a year more than a year.

"Night with double, even two days". On New Year's eve the whole family reunion together, ate dinner, waiting for the new time, when the colorful fireworks blossoming, rings around, walked to the front of our eyes in the New Year, people wear neat and beautiful, go out to visit friends and relatives, New Year's greetings to each other. Elders for the younger generation to distribute New Year's money, is really happy, New Year new atmosphere! Eat custom and have to say during the Spring Festival, on the first day to eat red bean, hint at a year thriving; Eat rice cakes, hint at a year more than a year; Eat dumplings, hint at the family reunion. The custom of Spring Festival and many, many, fun fun also said there said, blessing moral speak there. Try to ask who don't like the traditional Spring Festival? Ask and who don't want to transfer the old custom?








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