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2023-05-17 04:40:05




The flowers of friendship and, if she can bloom again, be open unbeaten beautiful story? -- -- -- -- --.

The flower of friendship than older

Pay much, remember, the elementary school time, hand in hand. Keep moving, string together the "bell", bloom smile a lot. Up the blue sky, wen asked: "who is and who is the best" "you and me!" Sound like the coo of mixed with our laughter, echoed in the ears for a long time. At that time, you the flower of friendship in my heart a flower open, fragrant aroma surrounds us, makes us very happy. Can flower has its own it, we took out of season.

The fallen petal season misunderstanding

The flowers fall, we never pull each other's hand, and I pay much, much a few minutes misunderstandings between trust in a few minutes less. Pay much, do you remember that time? You say you call me, ask me questions, I clearly heard, but turn a deaf ear, pretend like it's ok. "Selfish ghost, hum..." Sharp arrows of words like flying, direct my heart. At that moment, I feel good nose acid, a salty liquid washed up, outward chung, a close your eyes, tears like a broken line of beads, with my sad tears fall down, rustling wet my bleeding heart... Don't understand don't trust like each talons destroyed our friendship!

Looking forward to flower development

Pay Yin, let's keep an open heart, each other face to face, pain pain of a conversation, let's go to understand each other, trust each other, hand in hand find the lost memories, back to the sweet life picture scroll, long-lost happy where you are!

Pay much, to remember the past, friendship let us hand in hand to go to pick the roadside wildflowers, friendship let us under the big tree to listen to the birds singing, friendship that we was like peas and carrots, now? Friendship is destroyed, don't you feel empty in heart? Are you feel lonely and lonely erosion in your heart? Are you sure you want to recast our friendship in the past. Yin, pay much, so let's trust to irrigate friendship attentively, with sincerely to caress her, with understanding and confess to her bloom again, the bright flowers, let it be always with the world!

The flower of friendship fall open again, she again, become indefectible beauty!














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