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2023-05-17 07:13:04




Here we are going to today, I'm excited. Heard that place is geared to the suzhou paradise, my dreams are looking forward to.

Took about two hours' drive, and finally the gate to the suzhou paradise, suzhou park is so big! The door carved two lions, mighty lion seemed to welcome us to suzhou park to play. Into the door, beautiful water each other measures, forming a magnificent arches of water. The statue of water is more lifelike.

Through a lion arch, the sky, you suddenly saw ship hanging roller coaster through the head, make I repeatedly praise. Walk, I don't know the name of a monster standing here, everyone wanted to play. The teacher a look at the introduction, say to us: 1 meter above 43 people can play. At this time, a lot of boys are aggrieved shouted: I over, I'm more than! But don't we play at last.

To say what we play, that is! Such as the fun of hanging around cups, because I am naughty, play the two, although still want to play, but the head is dizzy. And also, I sat on a white horse cheated once charming princess. Who is to say white horse, is a carousel. And flip the pirate ship, bouncing frog jump, trains and bumper cars, playing the bumper car, I just got out of a group of people, into a group, have fun!

Oh, I didn't think journey over so soon, I had to read don't left the house.




穿过又一座狮子拱门,天空中,大家猛然看见一架架悬挂式过山车穿过头顶,使的我连连赞叹。走啊走,一座我叫不出名字的庞然大物伫立在眼前,大家都很想玩。丁老师一看简介,对我们说: 1米43以上的人才可以玩。 这时,很多男生都愤愤不平的叫了起来: 我超过了,我超过了! 可最后大家都没玩。

要说我们玩了什么,那可多了!比如好玩的悬挂式转转杯,我因为贪玩,玩了两次呢,虽然还想玩,可是头已经晕了。还有还有,我坐在 白马 上当了一回 白马公主 。要说 白马 是谁,是旋转木马啦。还有翻转的海盗船,一蹦一跳的青蛙跳,游园列车和碰碰车,在玩碰碰车时,我刚脱离一组人的纠缠,撞上了一组,好好玩啊!





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