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2023-05-18 03:13:02




My family used to have a cute cat, its main body if black wool, the back has some white hair, white and black, mutual collocation, seem to be very bright and beautiful. Kitty small and exquisite on the face of a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, its long triangle mouth both sides respectively the beard is long and hard, long and thin tail start to a shake a put, is power and prestige, its four special sharp claws, is specially used to catch mice.

The cat likes to sleep on the sofa during the day, the eyes mi into a crack. In the evening, it came, the spirit of a heard movement of a mouse, it will immediately rushed to the mouse capture; Sometimes in the mouse hole, wait until the mouse. Home with it, the mouse was done not have. Cat doing nothing, one day. Kittens later also very picky about food, eat only fish and caught the mouse. Again because in domestic cats is not very health, mother will give the cat to my grandfather.

Cat outside the public later, I will go to see it on my day off. My grandfather lived in the countryside, many mice, the cat became a mouse, listen to my grandfather said: cat three boxing two feet kill rats, then play knife and fork. No wonder I saw the cat, find it grew up, put on weight. Whenever to go public, the cat will run up to me and to my meow meow, as if in and I say "hello"; At night, I sleep in a bed, the cat also keep in my bed, as if afraid of mice to bother me, and seemed to be in with me, be afraid of me alone.

Every time go to outside the public to see the kitten, kitten than free time in the city, I'm so relieved.




小猫到了外公家以后,我放假的时候就要去看它。外公家住在乡下,老鼠很多,小猫就成了一个捉老鼠的高手,听外公说: 小猫三拳两脚就把老鼠弄死,然后饱餐一顿 。难怪我看到小猫的时候,发觉它长大了,长胖了。每当去外公家,小猫就会跑到我跟前,对我喵喵地叫,好象在和我打招呼;晚上,我睡在床上,小猫也守在我床边,好象怕老鼠来打扰我,又好象在陪我,怕我孤单。





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