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2023-05-18 03:19:05




As the autumn wind blowing, the big tree at the edge of the lawn with a few Huang Zhong with green leaves, they like a bird in flight. Ah! It was autumn leaves very can also move the wings. I love the autumn leaves. I walked slowly on the street, suddenly, a slice of ginkgo biloba leaf petiole is silence is broken, it is like a roaring yellow butterfly, quietly lying on my feet. Stoop to pick up it, watches, a delicate fans is the embodiment of it, a small broom is the shadow of it. Wow, it's pure rough texture straight scratching one's fingers itch to me. I put it gently. Yi, which come of a fragrance? I will find out go along with the fragrance. Oh, the original is a greening tree ah. Although, in this autumn is, but it still wear a special "green gear" unplug the thick branches, a full-bodied fragrance, really is invigorating. I picked a, carefully looked at, the boat like laurel leaves a little scrub, but no scrub around the small teeth, feels no it so slippery. But I did accidentally broke it, immediately, a faint scent leaves to spill out, let a person feel refreshed. Osmanthus also reluctant to take off the old dress and maple grove is different, you see, maple leaf has early with its fiery red new clothes, become the most eye-catching autumn big star, also don't know is the fairy carefully, will be left rouge box in the forest, dyed red all the maple leaf. You see, ma of the maple leaf is like a piece of cloud; Fresh autumn wind is blowing, and clusters of jumpy blaze. Picked up a maple leaf, the heart couldn't help thinking of tu mu sentence, "parking sit love maple's woods night, leaves be red flowers in February." Autumn has the rich fruit, more attractive leaves, I love the autumn leaves, more love this beautiful autumn!






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