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2023-05-18 03:43:01




Teachers, students:

Good morning! In autumn, osmanthus fragrance, 20 xx city second physical health in winter games in the organizing committee's careful planning, and under the unremitting efforts of all the teachers and students held a victory today! Here, on behalf of the organizing committee of games victory to express warm congratulations! To the preparation and organization of the conference sports group, and all the staff to pay tribute! To actively participate in school sports classes, thanked the athletes!

Teachers, students, school physical education is an important part of quality education, it is to strengthen students' physique, cultivate students' strong will, good cooperation consciousness, collectivism spirit, patriotic spirit, etc, play an important role in promoting. Sports is the race for power, wisdom, sports is a beautiful show, ideal float in the sky. A truly qualified primary school students, should be a no matter in the examination room, or can be scaling new heights in the playground. The games, is a big parade, for our school sports teaching job and a review of the students physical health, but also the teachers and students of our school spirit and comprehensive quality of big parade, hope all the athletes play "faster, higher, stronger" Olympic spirit, and rushed to challenge themselves, beyond the self, the level, race out of style; Hope all the referees adherence to rules, the impartial referee, all staff dedicated, enthusiastic service, security; Hope every class enthusiasm encourages athletes cheerleaders cheer, civilization; More hope all the teachers and students speak order, morality, hygiene, fully embody the second one civilization and orderly good behavior habits, let us work together to turn the games into a "civilized, a warm, wonderful, perfect the sports event.

Finally, I wish all the athletes "good grades! Wish the conference a round success!









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