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2023-05-18 03:46:05




Detail 1: thermal control system for the home of "space"

"Shenzhou 11 in space flight, the key is the astronaut safety." Aerospace science and technology corporation, which is five yuan shenzhou launch site said FuYang, director of the thermal control subsystem in 11, ensure the safety of the astronauts in space comfortable life, it shall be an astronaut to build a similar to the "home" as the ground - there are suitable for human survival, such as temperature, oxygen, which depends on thermal control subsystem and environmental control system to provide: the role of thermal control subsystem is to keep ship within a certain temperature and humidity control birth insurance system is to create suitable for astronauts in the cabin environment conditions, to ensure the safety of astronauts in space flight under the special environment of life and work, as an astronaut to create a warm living environment.

He said, thermal control subsystem and environmental control system, service module and the module of the manned spacecraft bulkhead. Ring control, thermal control subsystem mainly USES the fluid heat transfer technology for temperature control, through the heat generated by the fluid flow will ship passed to external radiator, again through the radiator to heat radiation into space.

Detail 2: doors rapid leak detector, the "small door gods" manned spacecraft

Astronauts during space flight day more, go through many times in class activities, need to open and close the door; Astronauts in the aircraft cabin, to maintain the normal life of the gas can't leak, the hatch seal good has a decisive role, so the precision of rapid detection of door seal is very important.

Early ship adopts the whole cabin pressure, by monitoring the changes of cabin pressure to detect door sealing, this method is accurate, reliable, but takes longer, great influence for astronauts manned spacecraft, will waste a lot of time, so need to improve the detection means, shorten the testing time.

Aerospace science and technology group co., LTD. 5 yuan 510 the port development rapid leak detector, realize to hatch and docking the rapid and accurate leak detection. Door after closing, between two seals on the door and door frame will form a small space. Leak detector using the unique structure of doors, in the work to the small space filled with a certain amount of gas, by monitoring the pressure variation in a small space to determine the door seals. If leakage occurs, hatch rapid leak detector will immediately issued a warning instructions. Astronauts to deal with door, after again leak detection qualified, to check in class.

"Door quick leak detector can achieve rapid test results are given in 8 minutes, a manned spacecraft 'small keeper." Products of aerospace science and technology group co., LTD. 5 yuan, 510, the competent designers Dong Yipeng said.

Spacecraft shenzhou 11 assembly (aerospace science and technology group provides the five yuan

Details of three: the shock absorber, the spacecraft instrument board "jacket"

Spacecraft instrumentation devices through the LCD panel and the astronauts do human-computer interaction, as a representative of the science and technology of high precision instrumentation devices tend to be more fragile, and launch rockets instantaneous acceleration will cause a vibration device in the ship, if not good launch impact vibration isolation, attenuation, is likely to lead to damaged spacecraft instruments, a failed mission.

At this point, the shenzhou series of spacecraft dashboard damper to shoulder for the important task of the whole ship instrument anti-vibration, installed in the dashboard four mounting point on the metal rubber damper will instrument and hull isolation, and through the wire between each other constantly in the process of vibration friction consumes a lot of energy, this energy into heat energy finally disappear in the surrounding medium.

Experts pointed out that the metal rubber damper perfect play the shenzhou spacecraft instrumentation devices "jackets" role, to ensure that the various mission a complete success.

Details: four manned spacecraft magic "appearance"

Shenzhou 11 run about 400 km from the surface of the earth orbit altitude, there will be affected by the radiation of the sun, the earth - atmospheric radiation and albedo, will also be affected by many high-energy particles floating in space. In such an environment, the spaceship how to better protect themselves?

FuYang said they designed for spacecraft magic "appearance", like human clothes, can be warm when the day is cold, can prevent bask in the sun, at the same time clothes can isolate dust, fog and other harmful factors to the injury of the skin.

Researchers in aerospace science and technology corporation, which is five yuan for the module to design a set of 2 cm thickness of coat, can efficiently isolate space environment and the module on the heat transfer between the bulkhead, and a layer of gorgeous coat surface composite membrane, to enhance the spacecraft to orbit atomic oxygen such as the particle's protective ability; Outside surface in the capsule, spraying the special design of organic thermal control coatings, to ensure that during the period of on-orbit temperature capsule to provide strong support.

At the bottom of the service module, to effectively inhibit the high temperature of engine ignition after on board, the effect of promoting the key areas to use multilayer insulation materials, able to isolate the highest temperature of 900 ℃.

The rocket known as astronaut "the tower of life" at the top of the escape system photograph (17 October). Xinhua news agency reporter shih-ping liu was taken

Details of five: escape engine - astronaut survey "too-big-to-fail"

Seen shenzhou spacecraft launch people will notice that the rockets have a similar lightning rod at the top of the minaret device, which is developed by the aerospace science and technology group four yuan, known as "the tower of life" astronauts to escape system.

Aerospace science and technology group four yuan escape engine commander hai-lin yu said, escape system bear the astronaut safety rescue mission, is China's manned space engineering must break through one of the three major technical challenges. Successfully developed four yuan people overcome difficulties to escape system, as an astronaut safely survey provides security.

According to hai-lin yu, escape tower special performance, technical and complex, only America and Russia have mastered this technology in the world.




























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